One hour with Uber

Infineon Hub, Paniglgasse 1-3, 1040 Wien

TUtheTOP alumni club is pleased to invite its members to our next fireside chat event with Malcom Glenn, the current Head of Global Policy Accessibility and Underserved Communities at Uber Technologies in Washington, DC.

Malcom is a Harvard College graduate and former president of The Harvard Crimson, is a writer, speaker, and public policy and communications specialist. As Head of Global Policy for Accessibility and Underserved Communities at Uber Technologies in Washington, DC, he leads Uber’s worldwide efforts to make the current and future platform more accessible for historically marginalized groups, spearheading the company’s work to improve outcomes for people with disabilities, low-income families, communities of color, rural residents, seniors, and returning citizens, among many other groups facing barriers to transportation or work. Furthermore, he serves as a member of the board of directors for BUILD Metro DC and the World Institute on Disability. 

Malcom is a former fellow for the Transatlantic Digital Debates program, executive communications manager at Google, and the director of communications at the American Federation for Children.

We are looking forward to chatting with him about his work!

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